Old Secret NASA Now Uncovered?!

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At first, you would think this was a beat-up fuselage from a plane crash incident. But no. If this photo was kept from people, then this might not be your ordinary plane crash debris. This might not even be a plane! What was once a UFO in what appears to be taken by photograph in the snowy mountains is now on the ground but still remains unidentified.

NASA is the agency responsible for the space trips and discoveries we hear about on the news. Because of their consistent mentions on social media, it’s hard for them to avoid conspiracy theories spun by people to make the truth either more transparent or hard to grasp.

But this one probably takes the cake. A photo compilation allegedly taken and stolen from NASA which will probably make you think if the conspiracy theories really are speaking the truth. Press play and see for yourself what some hackers were able to dig out from NASA’s closet of secrets.

We apologize in advance for the low resolution of some of these photos. This is the best quality we could find. As you can see most of these photos are very old.

What could this vessel be, who was driving it, and where did it come from?

A fiery comet or meteor blazes across the horizon. This documented shot of yet another UFO brings up a lot of questions: where did it come from? More importantly, where did it land? When you know documented shots like this are kept from you, you know there’s something else going on.

Skeleton found and excavated by people. Unearthed from probably an old civilization, the Anunnaki. This skeleton is too big to be considered human. So we have yet to know more about them. These giant aliens might have made Earth their home before we did. 

A submarine probes the deep blue and stumbles upon an infrastructure made of rock, bricks, and stone. The way the stones are arranged has a similarity with the Mayan temples or the pyramids in Egypt. But located underwater makes it more intriguing. How did this end up submerged in water? Did they find any signs of life or evidence that it was occupied by living things before it was submerged? They must have found out something. 
Why else would they keep it a secret?

Boom! A huge geyser of water is caught on camera as it ensues in an ocean. Surrounding it are a couple of ships. The only probable reason why this happened would be an explosion. An explosion and these ships could be the reason behind it. What were these fleets trying to blow up in the middle of the sea? A creature under the sea? An ancient civilization known only to a few? What could this be that would make it enough for someone to blow it up? 

Hard to make out but if you look closely, this heavily filtered in green photo shows us an infrastructure located in the middle of a mountainous terrain. Such a huge structure left unnoticed by people only means that this can be found in a place where no one usually passes through making it even more suspicious as a secret. What are they keeping from us inside that place? 

Zoom in and see how these golden pieces contain a language unknown to man. These have yet to be deciphered probably. Makes you wonder what these would tell us if only we knew how to read it? Could this reveal something bigger than us? Or is this part of the Scriptures we have invested our lives in today? As if this wasn’t a secret already, now we have to find out what the secret within the secret means. 

Dark, dingy, and probably wet. A tunnel with smooth rock formations on the walls. There’s a hundred chances that this could be on Earth. But if this photo was hidden from the eyes of the public, then there’s a very good chance that this subterranean tunnel would not be found here. But why take a picture of a tunnel? Could this have led to somewhere? Or could this be a cave containing something? 

A vaulted infrastructure made of metal in an icy landscape. Frozen over how many years? I wonder. Could this have been a part of something that was once alive, in full operation? And if so, what did it do? Appears to have no signs of life but enough to keep it a secret from everyone. Places found in unlikely places such as the icy plains always mean something more than what meets the eye. 

An anomaly found and photographed on the side of a cliff or gorge. Rock formations don’t always turn out like this so what could have caused this to happen and show? This could be the result of activities not made by ordinary human beings. Why else would they keep snapshots of these from us? 

A trail of anomalies that appear like a gash on the side of a cliff or gorge. Appears to be charred or blackened rock that could be the result of extraterrestrial or supernatural or paranormal events. We have yet to know more about these places documented in photographs but one thing’s for sure: there’s something more to this than what we see. 

A man is photographed beside a rock wall and on the rock wall, a hole. Where could this hole lead to? An even bigger question was who made it? Experts have yet to explore holes not made by man. Tunnels hidden from prying eyes usually mean that it contains (or contained) something valuable. 

It’s never a coincidence when you find several holes symmetrical in appearance on the side of a cliff. What could these holes hold for us? Or were they a part of something that a group of people kept from us? We could know more about this if only we knew where it is but it seems a lot of people would go out of their way just to keep this a secret. 

On the left lower corner of this photo is a gear. A blackened, probably petrified, gear. Or it could be a gear of sorts. An authentic petrified gear which would mean that we weren’t the first ones to occupy our planet. How old could this be? Millions? Billions? The ones better suited to answer this would be the ones who discovered it.

A photograph of a canvass of which appears to be the galaxy dotted with several lights. These blue and red lights could be indicative of stars, planets, or something else. It’s normal for a government agency dealing in space exploration and travel to have shots of the night sky and the space beyond that but why keep it from us? 

This photo contains the same blue and red lights but this time taken as if it was watermarked against a new photo, triangular structures and a couple of surrounding dotted structures smaller than the triangular ones. Why would they have this photo hidden from us? Could this mean something much more than a watermarked photo of two pictures? 

An aerial shot of pyramids in Egypt and smaller structures surrounding it. But if you look back on the previous photos, the conspiracy of it all falls in. Have they been withholding information from us regarding how the lights in the cosmic plane could probably determine the strategic locations of these structures on Earth? Or vice-versa maybe? 

A diagram of the Earth highlighting the central core and the coverage of gravity. Is there any scientific significance to this? Could someone else have been studying the schematics of the only planet we have? 

Cloud formation found on the surface of the Earth. But what could have caused this? Such anomalies have yet to have conclusions drawn from it. But can we hold someone (or something) responsible for this phenomenal event? 

Photo taken in outer space of satellite looming over a cloud formation on the Earth’s surface. This cloud formation could be a result of something bigger than us. This could be the result of extraterrestrial creatures manipulating how Earth behaves.
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John Tsipas

Strange and Mysteries

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