Erich Von Daniken Lost Technology and Ancient Aliens [Full Video]

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There are things in our prehistory "about which we do not have the faintest idea," says best-selling author Erich von Däniken. Stone structures erected by master builders, mysterious underground complexes, geometrically aligned stone circles, the breathtaking pyramids of Egypt--who built them? And, perhaps more importantly, where did these builders obtain such incredible knowledge?

Erich von Däniken shows in detail how whole countries were surveyed thousands of years ago. Hundreds of Stone Age holy places are located at equal distances from one another, forming giant squares and triangles.

Erich von Däniken is arguably the most widely read and most-copied nonfiction author in the world. He published his first (and best-known) book, Chariots of the Gods,. The worldwide best-seller and was followed by 32 more books, including the recent best-sellers Twilight of the Gods, History Is Wrong, Evidence of the Gods, and Odyssey of the Gods. His works have been translated into 28 languages and have sold more than 63 million copies. Several have also been made into films. Von Däniken's ideas have been the inspiration for a wide range of TV series, including the History Channel's hit Ancient Aliens.
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John Tsipas

Strange and Mysteries


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