25 Beautiful Close-up Photography

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Macrophotography is close-up photography, usually of very small subjects. Classically a macrophotograph (close-up photography) is one in which the size of the subject on the negative is greater than life size. However in modern use it refers to a finished photograph of a subject at greater than life size. (Wiki)

There are millions of photographs, but how we choose the best one, Photos are invaluable asset for professional designer. However when it comes to finding the right photo; one can easily spend hours searching for it. Creative photos to refresh your mind at getting people’s attention as long as you don’t make them too text heavy and you include an extremely creative photos in look-at-me colors and sharpness.

If you are looking to add some creativity and inspiration to your life, you probably need to check 25 beautiful close-up photography that inspires you to create something creative and original.

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John Tsipas


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